Vietnam related erotica and sleaze is a very small genre of Original Paperbacks. Publishers of erotic paperbacks in the 60s considered Viet Nam as just another exotic Asian background for their sexy sleaze books that they thought might sell. Until the war got serious. Thus there are perhaps 20 of these books that are all exceedingly hard to find. The one on the left is one of the few that I have and is one of the top 2 covers and titles. The other one, in my opinion, is Vietnam Vixen also by John Dexter published as a Leisure Book in 1967 [see below]. Both have cover art by Robert Bonfils. Some of the other titles are Lust for a Green Beret; Saigon Sex Trap; Vietcong Captive and Saigon Sin Spree. If you have any of these (or others) I'd be glad to put them up here.
Here are a few other related books:
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Here are a few more: