GGA School Girls

School for Girls

Many years ago when I was stationed in Europe, I went to a bar/strip club in Amsterdam where the featured dancer came out dressed like a school-girl; books, penny-loafers, pig-tails and all. She then proceeded to let her hair down (literally) and take off her clothes. What is this fascination with school-girls? Erroll Flynn had a thing about high school girls (also known as 'Jailbait'), but most men are more interested in college age girls. Pretty young things, libertines, innocents, first time away from home, waiting to be schooled into adulthood by virile men. The sleaze publishers of the 50s and 60s did their best to cater to all fantasies, including this one. Private schools, Girls' Schools, Sororities just pushed things up a notch allowing room for lesbianism, spoiled rich girls, sorority orgies and whatever. Here are some of the covers:

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Secrets of a Co-Ed ThumbnailCo-ed is an old term for a female college student which eventually took on sleazy and libertine overtones. Here is the sexy co-ed making a move on a reluctant student. She's supposed to be a chorus girl, one step down from a co-ed. This same cover was used for Rock 'N Roll Gal from Beacon Books.
High School Confidential Thumbnail One of the 'Confidential' titles popular in the 50s. The word in the title was a promise to reveal all the dirty little secrets and sleazy scandals. Book is a Movie Tie-In which featured Jerry Lee Lewis on the pounding 88s.
High School Jungle Thumbnail 'Jungle' was another such code word to describe an out-of-control place where anything goes. See 'Campus Jungle' below. A really stylized, yet sexy cover.
Private School Thumbnail Private schools promised the same thing with a better class of people and some lesbianism thrown in.
Sorority Sin Thumbnail Sororities were the pinnacle of campus debauchery. Of course, 'sorority' is synonymous with 'sin'. Here is a book that promises co-ed sex and a cover with a lesbian theme. Covering all the bases.
Private Lessons Thumbnail And let's not forget our dedicated teachers!!
College Girls Thumbnail Here is a photo from where I went to school!

Here are a few more:

Campus Jungle Thumbnail Suburban High School Thumbnail Teen Tramp Thumbnail Girls' Dormitory Thumbnail Campus Scandal Thumbnail Harling College Thumbnail Dormitory Women Thumbnail The Cool Coeds Thumbnail
After Class Thumbnail Punish Lesson Thumbnail The Rebel Thumbnail Her High School Lover Thumbnail Love Tutor Thumbnail Scandal High Thumbnail The Delinquents Thumbnail Coeds Three Thumbnail
Campus Affair Thumbnail Girls' School Thumbnail Diploma Dolls Thumbnail Campus Kittens Thumbnail

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